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We are a group of volunteers who are Tuross Head residents and property owners. 


Members of the association meet regularly to raise and discuss issues of concern regarding all aspects of Tuross Head and surrounding aeas. The members decide which issues they wish to pursue.


President: T Webster

Vice President: E Ashcroft

Secretary: B Hatchman

Treasurer: J Irvine

Committee members: D Pretty, E Ashcroft, K Ulrick, M Castle

Public Officer: J Tilbrook​​​


The THPA operates in line with the â€‹THPA Constitution




  • Lobby politicians of both State and Federal Governments and the Local Shire Council on the interests of Tuross Head.


  • Obtain funding grants for fishing, boating and other community facilities.


  • Represent membership to maintain our clean environment and continue good access to lake shores and beaches.


  • Work with other local community groups, e.g. Tuross Lake Preservation Group, Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council, Tuross Head Fishing Club and the Marine Rescue Unit.


  • Liaise with local Rural Fire Service, Police & State Emergency Services.


Tuross Head Progress Association Incorporated Y1183828
PO Box 3062 Tuross Head NSW 2537
ABN 36 038 514 293

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Thank you to South Coast Pix for kindly letting us use their beautiful aerial of Tuross Head from the south.



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